Documents have been contributed by member libraries and have not been screened by RAILS. Before adopting or adapting one for your library, you should check its compliance with current laws and regulations.
Please review your library's contributions regularly to ensure they are current. All documents posted to this repository are publicly available.
Here you go, Carol. Our vacation and sick time are on an accrual basis so maybe this will help. Susan Dove Lempke Library Director Niles Public Library District 6960 Oakton, Niles IL 60714 847-663-6401
Please see attached for our program contract form. I have also attached our streaming media addendum which we use for those programs that we wish to stream live and/or archive for later viewing.
Please see attached for our program contract form. I have also attached our streaming media addendum which we use for those programs that we wish to stream live and/or archive for later viewing.
We developed a list of tech competencies last year (heavily borrowed from other libraries). Everyone is responsible for getting up to speed this year. Next year, competency will be needed in order to receive an annual review rating of meets expectations or higher and to be eligible for a merit increase. Managers will be responsible for deeming if staff are meeting the technology competencies.