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Many of our training events have been recorded. Search for past webinars and workshops below.

Some recordings are available only to people affiliated with RAILS libraries.

Latest Recordings

  • Employee Onboarding: Don't Lose Them at Hello

    This recording is available until Friday, July 5.

    Retaining new employees begins on the first day of employment with a comprehensive and well-designed new employee onboarding and orientation program. This workshop discusses the importance of developing these programs, what should be included in them, and effective techniques to engage new employees before they even get in the door.

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  • Dice Rollers: Running a D&D Club at Your Library

    Dungeons & Dragons is more popular now than ever before, with new players coming to the hobby every day! Join Dungeon Master Luke to learn how to start and maintain a D&D club at your library! Webinar will include: 

    -Why run a D&D club at your library? -The benefits of playing RPGs, including facilitating creative problem solving and teamwork 

    -How to play D&D -Discuss the roles of the Dungeon Master (DM) and their players, and cover the core mechanic of D&D: the d20 roll 

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  • Media Literacy in the Age of AI

    Artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing, with the general public now able to access text-to-image generators, chatbots, and other AI-powered tools. In a time of deepfakes and AI hallucinations, how can we discern what is real? This talk by Nick Tanzi includes strategies for identifying AI-generated content and reducing AI hallucinations.

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  • The Modern eAccessibility Landscape

    Includes information on processes and outcomes of the work of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Learn methods you can implement now to make your library a harder target for eAccessibility complaints.  Learn about the supports a library needs to create and maintain an accessible digital footprint. 

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  • Working in the "Gray Area": Boundaries for Library Staff

    A presentation on common boundary-related challenges for library staff. Participants will gain an understanding of how to apply a model to use to resolve situations that don't have a clear right or wrong outcome. 


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