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Statewide E-Resource Package

View the list of the EBSCO databases provided by the Illinois State Library through the statewide database package. For questions about the new statewide e-resource program, contact Suzanna Jones, ISL Library Program Specialist at sjones@ilsos.gov , 217-785-7334. For a background on this project, please visit the RAILS E-Resource Program Pulse page

Online High School Diploma Programs

Career Online High School and Gale: Excel Adult High School are online high school diploma programs that enable libraries to offer adult learners accredited high school diplomas. Participating libraries only pay for student scholarships, and RAILS/IHLS libraries qualify for a volume discount.

Career Online High School information and pricing (login required)

Gale: Excel Adult High School information and pricing (login required)

Find Deals & Discounts

Group Purchases

Group Purchases are negotiated, managed, or otherwise mediated by us, and participation is available for RAILS members.

eRead Illinois | Statewide shared collection of e-books and e-audiobooks, with Baker & Taylor's Boundless
Academic Libraries, Public Libraries, School Libraries, Special Libraries

Pricing is confidential to RAILS members and Baker & Taylor only. Please do not share outside of these organizations.

For pricing and other information, visit the eRead Illinois website: https://ereadillinois.com

Vendor Discounts

Vendor Discounts are offers that companies have made available to our libraries. Information about vendor discount offers is provided for your convenience; we do not negotiate the pricing on vendor discounts.

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