Advanced Genealogy Research Techniques for Library Staff

Advanced Genealogy Research Techniques for Library Staff
1 hr 24 min 26 s

Take your genealogy research skills up a notch by learning advanced techniques for locating records by topic and type of repository and explore case studies for honing your skills.

* Types of records
* Types of repositories
* Case studies

Desired Outcomes:
* Understanding of the types of genealogical records that are created and the repositories where they can be found.
* Familiarity with basic genealogy research practices.

Tina Beaird is a Genealogy/Local History Librarian at the Plainfield Public Library. She has been lecturing on genealogy research, archival preservation, and Illinois history at national, state and local conferences for 12 years and researching her own family since 1993.

This webinar is approximately 90 minutes in length and was originally broadcast on October 11, 2016.