Helping the Public Complete the 2020 Census: What Front-Line Staff Need to Know

Helping the Public Complete the 2020 Census: What Front-Line Staff Need to Know
1 hr 18 min 16 s

The 2020 Census begins soon, and libraries have been called upon to facilitate a complete and correct count. This webinar aims to answer remaining questions and give your staff the confidence they need to assist the public.

Qs beyond the FAQ

We have 101 questions about the 9-question 2020 Census form, and suspect you do, too. Erika H. Becker-Medina, Chief of Communications for the Decennial Census helps clear the fog.

Legal considerations

What laws surround the Census? Am I legally required to respond? What laws protect personal Census data? Do libraries or staff face any risks by assisting? Attorney Britton Isaly from Ancel Glink provides assurance from a legal perspective.

Recommended reading

Make the most of this webinar by familiarizing yourself with the paper and online forms ahead of time.

1. Sample copy of the paper questionnaire

2. Video walkthrough of the online form


Catherine Savage, Head of Communications, Vernon Area Public Library

Britton Isaly, Partner, Ancel Glink

Erika H. Becker-Medina, Chief of Communications for the Decennial Census

This webinar was recorded on February 18, 2020, and runs approximately one hour and 20 minutes.