Young Adult (YA) Crossovers: Adult Books for Teen Readers, Teen Books that Appeal to Adults

Young Adult (YA) Crossovers: Adult Books for Teen Readers, Teen Books that Appeal to Adults
1 hr 24 min 6 s

Many reference and readers' advisory (RA) library staff are more comfortable working with adult patrons based on their training or experience. This session will present some basic readers' advisory geared towards working with teen patrons and teen titles. Attendees will come away with more confidence in their ability to suggest both teen titles to adult readers and adult titles to teen readers.

* Basic readers' advisory for both Adult and Teen patron/titles
* Recommended Adult titles for Teens
* Recommended Teen titles for Adults
* Resources
* Q&A

Desired Outcomes:
Adult Reference and Readers' Advisory library staff feel more comfortable working with teens as well as how to incorporate teen titles into their readers' advisory work with adult patrons.

Rebecca Vnuk is the Editor for Collection Management and Library Outreach for Booklist Publications. She has been a frequent presenter at RAILS on a variety of library and readers' advisory topics.

This program is part of the RA Conversations series, sponsored by Novelist. The webinar is approximately 90 minutes in length and was originally broadcast on October 27, 2016.