System E-Content and E-Resources for Illinois Educators

System E-Content and E-Resources for Illinois Educators
50 min 19 s

This is your chance to learn more about system E-Content and Resources by joining presenters from RAILS and IHLS as they explain how the systems can assist school personnel, especially during this time of online teaching. This presentation is appropriate for librarians, classroom teachers, and administrators. Watch together for great collaboration.

Speakers for this panel presentation include:

  • Leila Heath - RAILS Library Resources and Program Manager
  • Cassandra Thompson - SHARE Director
  • Anna Behm - RAILS E-Content Specialist
  • Lesley Zavediuk - SHARE Circulation and Resource Sharing Specialist

This program is offered jointly by IHLS, RAILS and AISLE. It was held on March 4, 2021 and is approximately 50 minutes.

Explore the many resources offered through your system! Including:

Deals and Discounts:

Illinois Heartland Library System

Reaching Across Illinois Library System


eRead Illinois CloudLibrary

eRead Illinois Axis 360
