Best Practices Articles
- Choosing a Chart Type (Depict Data Studios) - Wondering which type of graph is the best fit for your data? Explore our interactive chart chooser using the filters.
- Data Planning Logic Model - Blog post by Moe Hosseini-Ara and Rebecca Jones
- Measures that Matter Action Plan (light) - Building a foundation for library data collection that addresses current and future needs.
- Measures that Matter Action Plan (full) - Measures that Matter (MtM) was launched through a cooperative agreement between the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA) to address short- and long-term challenges to public library data collection and use.
Data Tools
Useful Data
- The Great Recession Impact on US Public Libraries: Part 1 - Aaron Skog (SWAN)
- The Great Recession Impact on Illinois Public Libraries: Part 2 - Aaron Skog (SWAN)
- COVID-19's Impact on Pinnacle Libraries (Pinnacle Library Cooperative)
- IMLS Public Libraries Survey - Download data about all public libraries in the US.
- Library Search & Compare - Tool to find and compare libraries and browse the latest available Public Library Survey data.
- Illinois School Report Cards - The state's official source for information about public schools across Illinois to find school data, including academic performance, school environment, educators, students, and highlights provided by principals.
- IDOR Public Library Service Area Map - Explore map of all public library service areas and locations in Illinois.
- U.S. Census Geocoder - Convert single or batch addresses to geographic coordinates (lat/long)
- School Codes, Enrollment, and Operating Expenditures
Interesting Data
- U.S. Census: Hard to Count Map - Mapping Response Rates for a Fair and Accurate 2020 Census
- Chicago's Wealth Divide - Exploring the stark dividing lines between rich and poor. Mapping household incomes in Chicagoland.