The Illinois North Central Economic Region of the Broadband Regional Engagement for Adoption + Digital Equity (READY) initiative, led by Illinois State University, is excited to offer grants to public libraries to support digital equity initiatives that align with the state’s Digital Equity Plan. These grants are made possible by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Office of Broadband. This grant is part of the DCEO Broadband READY initiative to increase broadband usage in underserved communities across Illinois.
To provide digital literacy and skills training or access to digital devices
Limited to public libraries in the following counties:
- DeWitt
- Fulton
- Livingston
- Marshall
- Mason
- McLean
- Peoria
- Stark
- Tazewell
- Woodford
Funding and Requirements
Maximum Award: $8,000
Total Funding Available: Will likely not exceed $105,000.
The application is available online.
A competitive application will include plans for programming, services, or staffing related to digital literacy or skills training or device distribution for at least one of the eight covered populations in the state’s Digital Equity Plan (Low-income individuals/households living on income of less than 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, individuals who are 60 years of age or older, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, English learners/individuals with low English literacy, racial and ethnic minorities, individuals in rural communities).
Acceptable fund use includes purchasing devices for loan, vouchers for device distribution, or direct device purchase to be distributed to community members, training or programming materials, and staffing to conduct training or device distribution. The cost of purchasing the Northstar Digital Navigator training modules does not need to be included in the requested funds, as it will be absorbed centrally as a group license. Intention to use NorthStar should be reflected in other parts of the application narrative.
Grantees will be expected to:
- Meet up to four times (virtually or in-person) as a group to discuss progress, receive updates, and as a community of practice.
- Submit reports up to three times detailing information on the use of funds and provide data about those served.
Important Dates
- Open Date: Monday, March 24
- Informational Session: Tuesday, April 1, 3 p.m. via Zoom
- Close Date: Tuesday, May 6, at 11:59 p.m.
- Decision Notification: Week of May 19
- Project Period: June 2025 – May 2026
Questions can be directed to:
- Kathy Brown for libraries in Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, and Mason counties.
- Richard Proffer and Abi Amstutz-Spencer for libraries in Stark, DeWitt, Marshall, Livingston, and Fulton counties.
- Harriett Steinbach for libraries located in Mclean County.