Would you like to work with a dedicated team of colleagues representing all types and sizes of libraries to help shape the future of a member-driven, vibrant, and innovative library system? RAILS is seeking nominees for six volunteer positions on its Board of Directors.
- Two at-large seats (three-year term)- to be filled by a current employee or member of the governing body of a RAILS member library of any type
- One special library seat (three-year term) - to be filled by a current employee of a RAILS special library
- Two public library trustee seats (three-year term) - to be filled by a current board member of a RAILS member public library
- One public library trustee seat (two-year term) - to be filled by a current board member of a RAILS member public library
The election for these seats will be held in May. The terms for the seats are:
- Three-year seats will be July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2028
- Two-year public library trustee seat will be July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2027
We are looking for candidates who reflect the diversity of the RAILS membership in terms of race, ethnicity, age, geographic location, staff position, and other factors. We ask board members to attend and actively participate in 11 board meetings per year, either in person or at a RAILS service center or videoconference location. For more information on other duties and responsibilities, view the RAILS Board Member Job Description.
To enhance transparency and provide voters with more information, we are also asking each candidate to participate in the creation of a brief campaign video. This process will take place March 19 - May 3 with the assistance of the RAILS Communications team.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, April 18, at 11:59 p.m. Access the nomination form (L2 login required).
If you have any questions, contact Dan Bostrom, RAILS Director of Marketing & Communications.