RAILS gathers data about school libraries for use in education, advocacy, and equity work through its School Library Advocacy Through Education (SLATE) project. In previous years, data was gathered through the Annual Certification process required for libraries belonging to a regional library system. As a result, many schools or districts were not included. After consultation with school librarians, a census was recommended to give those libraries an opportunity to be represented.
What is the School Library Census?
To understand school libraries statewide, the SLATE project gathers data about library staff, library collections, and library finances. This first-time census is an effort to gather data for the 2024-2025 school year for each Illinois school, both public and private, across those areas. Sharing this data provides insight into all areas of school librarianship and improves our ability to support library educators.
Who Should Complete the Census?
The librarian or library staff member responsible for overseeing the library.
If there is no library or library staff, a building administrator or another educator may complete the form on behalf of the school.
School librarians or lead library staff members are encouraged to visit the 2024-25 SLATE School Library Census site. Here you'll find all the information you need to complete the census beginning Monday, March 17th through Friday, April 18th. You can contact RAILS Data Analyst Janette Derucki with any questions, concerns, or for more information.