RAILS Announces Formation of Leadership Training Design Team

RAILS is excited to announce the formation of the Leadership Training Design Team, a group of current and aspiring leaders tasked with creating a new leadership training initiative for staff at member libraries of all types. Tentatively scheduled to launch in Fall 2025, this program aims to provide valuable leadership development opportunities to existing and future library leaders.

The initiative aims to strengthen the library industry by cultivating confident leaders, addressing leadership skill gaps, and fostering growth in current and emerging library professionals.
The Leadership Training Design Team is composed of the following staff from RAILS member libraries:

  • Monica Boyer, Aurora Public Library District
  • Genna Buhr, Fondulac Public Library District
  • Beth Duttlinger, Lillie M. Evans Library District
  • Ashley Johnson, Vernon Area Public Library District
  • Richard Kong, Skokie Public Library
  • Emily Meszaros, Green Hills Public Library District
  • Vicki Rakowski, Forest Park Public Library

RAILS thanks these volunteers for dedicating their time and expertise to shaping this important initiative. Their efforts will ensure the program meets the evolving needs of library professionals and supports the future of the field.

For more information about the Leadership Training Design Team and the upcoming initiative, please contact Kate Niehoff, RAILS Director of Consulting and Continuing Education, at 630.734.5134.