Justice at Work Course Now Available to RAILS Members

As part of our ongoing commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), RAILS provides opportunities for members to learn and apply concepts that build equitable library organizations. We are pleased to announce the latest offering to our membership, Social Justice in Public Libraries from Freedom Lifted. This course content is relevant and applicable to all library types.

Freedom Lifted founder Mia Henry says that the content allows learners to transition “from surface talk about diversity and inclusion to real, honest conversations about justice.” This course lays down a framework that contains the building blocks of social justice. Through short, recorded video lessons, the course is divided into the following sections: Identity and Power, Understanding Oppression, and Resistance and Solidarity in Working for Justice. The course is a flexible learning opportunity that is suited for individual learners or a group learning environment. The asynchronous delivery makes the course adaptable to any schedule. 

For more information and to create an account, visit the RAILS Freedom Lifted portal page (login to the RAILS website required).
