NILRC Professional Development Webinar: "Copyright: Fair Use? It Depends..."

The next NILRC Professional Development Webinar will be held on Tuesday, October 31 at 1 pm via Zoom.  Our presenter will be Amy Pinc of Triton College, and the title is “Copyright:  Fair Use? It Depends…"

Want to know more about fair use in copyright? This webinar will have a brief introduction to the fair use provision for copyright. The rest of the presentation will be spent looking at examples and deciding if they are fair use or not – in many cases the answer is “it depends.” This webinar is meant to be a learning exercise for everyone and a place where we can share ideas and learn a little more on the subject of fair use. 

All library types are welcome to this webinar, and bring examples of questions you may have.  Please contact Amy Glass at Illinois Central College ( for the Zoom information.

Please join us on Halloween at 1 pm!