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Many of our training events have been recorded. Search for past webinars and workshops below.

Some recordings are available only to people affiliated with RAILS libraries.

Search Results

  • The Modern eAccessibility Landscape

    Includes information on processes and outcomes of the work of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Learn methods you can implement now to make your library a harder target for eAccessibility complaints.  Learn about the supports a library needs to create and maintain an accessible digital footprint. 

    Viewing access to this recording is restricted.
  • All of Us Dementia Awareness for Public Libraries

    This interactive presentation will introduce library staff to National Library of Medicine resources, enhance understanding of the public library's role in supporting families living with dementia, and present an opportunity to contribute to our understanding of disease by participating in the All of Us Research Program, a national health research project funded by a grant from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.


  • JJ's List Disability Awareness Training

    The jjslist.com Disability Awareness Players are a troupe of volunteers who train audiences about disability awareness. The interactive presentation includes skills-building activities, role-play, and an anything goes Q&A. Topics covered include: Person-first language; Ten Tips Poster; Sighted-guiding; What to do when you don't understand someone; How to interact with someone in a wheelchair; How to interact with someone with a processing disorder; 508 compatibility.

    - Introduction
    - Person-first language
    - Role Play
    - Q&A

    Viewing access to this recording is restricted.
  • Legal Immigration Resources and Services

    In this webinar, learn how to direct patrons towards immigration resources and community organizations that offer legal immigration assistance. Hear how you can offer legal immigration services at your library through the Department of Justice Recognition and Accreditation program.

    * Answering common immigration related questions
    * Department of Justice Recognition and Accreditation program
    * Local resources and organizations

    Desired Outcomes:

    Viewing access to this recording is restricted.
  • Creating a Friendly Environment for English Language Learners

    In this webinar, learn how to create a friendly environment for English Language Learners and their families at the library. The presenters will share marketing tips and programming activities. They will also discuss parent resources and partnerships within the community and schools.

    o Cultural Responsiveness
    o Communication/Advertisement
    o Programming Activity Ideas
    o Parent resources
    o Community Involvement
    o School/District Partnership

    Desired Outcome

    Viewing access to this recording is restricted.
  • Be a Talking Book Ambassador: Learn How Talking Books Can Benefit Your Community

    The Illinois Talking Book Outreach Center (ITBOC) will consolidate with the Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Service (ISLTBBS) on September 1, 2017. Public libraries are looking for ways to better serve all their citizens including those who don't or can't come to the physical library. Together we can help each other reach and serve those eligible patrons.


  • Serving Patrons with Dementia

    The Alzheimer's Association projects that by 2025, there will be an estimated 7.1 million people age 65 and older with Alzheimer's disease - a 40% increase from the 5.1 million age 65 and older affected in 2015.
