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Many of our training events have been recorded. Search for past webinars and workshops below.

Some recordings are available only to people affiliated with RAILS libraries.

Search Results

  • Dice Rollers: Running a D&D Club at Your Library

    Dungeons & Dragons is more popular now than ever before, with new players coming to the hobby every day! Join Dungeon Master Luke to learn how to start and maintain a D&D club at your library! Webinar will include: 

    -Why run a D&D club at your library? -The benefits of playing RPGs, including facilitating creative problem solving and teamwork 

    -How to play D&D -Discuss the roles of the Dungeon Master (DM) and their players, and cover the core mechanic of D&D: the d20 roll 

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  • Advanced Uses of Zoom and Technology for Virtual Library Programming

    Arielle Raybuck, auditorium coordinator for Northbrook Public Library, will present on Zoom pre-production communication practices to ensure smooth programs, Zoom settings that will expand your program options, and the application of livestreaming using Zoom and YouTube.

    This presentation was recorded live on Thursday, June 17, 2021, and is 50 minutes in length.

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  • Socially Distanced Reader's Advisory and Programs

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  • Grab & Go Library Programs

    During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, libraries have reimagined ways to engage their communities and provide valuable learning experiences through physical and virtual Grab & Go/Take & Make/DIY Kits. A panel of librarians will share their resource-making success stories to serve young people of all ages, offering resources and answering questions on how to level up your own kits.

    This webinar was recorded on February 15, 2021, and runs for approximately 90 minutes.

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  • Assessing Virtual Programs

    Many libraries have turned to virtual programming as we practice social distancing. While it is vital that we engage patrons in virtual environments, how can we measure the impact and success of these programs? Nationally recognized library technology consultant and author Nick Tanzi leads a discussion of what data libraries can collect and how to interpret that data. This presentation was recorded on January 14, 2021, and lasts approximately 65 minutes.

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  • Virtual Programming on the Fly

    Learn how to bring your programming from in-person to online. Two librarians will walk you through the steps to create and execute virtual programs, including scheduling, marketing, budgets, and program ideas including live, recorded videos, and passive programs. A Q&A will follow.

    This webinar was recorded on April 29, 2020, and runs approximately 85 minutes.

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  • Virtual Advisory: Online Book Clubs

    As things change rapidly, libraries are having to quickly adjust our in-person book clubs advisory services online. Becca Boland of Skokie Public Library will talk about what libraries are already doing (and what is working) and discuss ideas for the future.

    This webinar was recorded on April 22, 2020, and runs approximately 70 minutes.

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  • Beyond E-Storytimes: Virtual Services and Programs for Youth

    Staying cooped up at home has led to creative thinking throughout the library world. Youth departments in public libraries are leading the way with live and prerecorded e-storytimes for patrons. E-resources are being shared via social media and email. Now that your library has these services situated, what next? Gather some fresh ideas about virtual services and programming BEYOND e-storytimes and rhyme videos. Attend to your patrons social-emotional needs by responding in a trauma-focused way through Lincolnwood Public Library's intentional programming and messaging.


  • Mindful Breath and Movement

    Looking for some relief from the stress of the pandemic? Join Hannah Ramlo, Founder and Executive Director of Soulside Healing Arts, as she leads you through some foundational elements of mindful breath and movement.

    Topics include:

    -Introduction the benefits and science behind yoga

    -Practice both calming and invigorating breathing techniques.

    -Link breath to movement in postures that can alleviate common tensions

    This webinar was recorded on April 20, 2020 and is approximately 30 minutes.

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  • Building Online Learning Environments That Work

    Based on an implemented training project to train call center employees, join Brian Pichman as he uncovers the tips and tricks to building an online learning environment. We will be using Canvas as the platform for the discussion - learn how to create and build course content in an effective delivery method to retain information. This is great if you need to train employees or you wish to train your community on general skills.

    Presenter: Brian Pichman​

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  • The Civic Lab and Beyond: Civic Engagement through Resources and Programming

    Civic engagement is a core library value that seems even more urgent in today's polarized political landscape. How can we facilitate meaningful learning opportunities in the library to address these times? The Civic Lab is a pop-up library that encourages dialogue, exploration, and engagement on issues affecting our community. Featuring all-ages collections and resources on current events, such as climate change, Black Lives Matter, and executive orders, the flexible, mobile space is also used for inclusive programming.


  • Creating a Friendly Environment for English Language Learners

    In this webinar, learn how to create a friendly environment for English Language Learners and their families at the library. The presenters will share marketing tips and programming activities. They will also discuss parent resources and partnerships within the community and schools.

    o Cultural Responsiveness
    o Communication/Advertisement
    o Programming Activity Ideas
    o Parent resources
    o Community Involvement
    o School/District Partnership

    Desired Outcome

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  • Adult Programming: A Webinar Full of Ideas and Resource Generation and Sharing

    Are you looking to boost your adult program attendance? Interested in low and/or next to no cost ideas for your future adult programming? If so, you'll love this webinar!

    In this interactive and fun program, we'll look at adult programs for nine different themed events, discuss passive program options libraries are using today and work together on creating a list of hundreds of ideas. We'll also share some of our online best resources for adult programming ideas, how-to's and more.


  • Serving Patrons with Dementia

    The Alzheimer's Association projects that by 2025, there will be an estimated 7.1 million people age 65 and older with Alzheimer's disease - a 40% increase from the 5.1 million age 65 and older affected in 2015.


  • Programming Ideas in Makerspaces

    You have a Makerspace; so what's next? Join Brian Pichman from the Evolve Project as he walks you through how to plan, market, and organize your programming events for your Makerspace. Brian will also share successful programming ideas regardless of library type. Allow your public library or school library to foster innovation and offer unique opportunities to encourage more patrons to interact, grow, and learn.
