Digitizing Your Local Newspaper Collections

Digitizing Your Local Newspaper Collections
1 hr 13 min 30 s

Has your library contemplated digitizing your local newspapers? There are several options available to libraries who are interested in getting their collections online. Tina will provide details on assessing your collections, procuring copyright permission, investigating grant opportunities, setting goals and outcomes, purchasing equipment for in-house projects, and how to pick a company that is the best fit if you choose to outsource the project.

* Assessing your newspaper collections
* Copyright permissions
* Creating accessible goals and outcomes
* Beginning an in-house digitization project
* Outsourcing to reputable companies

Desired Outcomes:
Attendees will have an understanding of what goes into a newspaper digitization project and how to create goals and outcomes that make the project a success, what companies are available to digitize collections and how to decide if in-house scanning or outsourcing is best.

Tina Beaird is owner of Tamarack Genealogy and the Genealogy/Local History Librarian at the Plainfield Public Library. She lectures nationally on military research, genealogical methodology, and archival preservation. Tina has won multiple digitization grants to scan and preserve local history. She volunteers her time with several local groups scanning and indexing historic records.

This webinar is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes in length and was originally broadcast on June 19, 2018.