Revamping Strategies for Social Success

Revamping Strategies for Social Success
1 hr 52 min 26 s

About two-thirds of American adults are getting "at least some of their news on social media." Winning over followers and fans, and getting "likes," "shares" and "comments" can be challenging. We want our library events to be seen and attended. We want them to invite their friends. We want the library relevance, value and fun messages to permeate virtual channels. Discover how two libraries are using effective strategies that have dramatically increased their social media engagement with target audiences.

Natalie Kiburg of Gail Borden Public Library and Evelyn Shapiro of Champaign Public Library will share how their teams meet to brainstorm content, the use of effective local social influencers, new Facebook LIVE strategies, utilizing Facebook's Events, and continued training and increasing ROI for paid advertisements. Questions and answers to follow.

This recording is approximately 2 hours in length and was originally broadcast on October 25, 2018.