Under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 government entities - such as schools and libraries - must make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. The U.S. Government recently signed a new rule under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that covers digital inclusion. This rule clarifies what schools and libraries need to do to make their website and mobile applications accessible to everyone.
Federal Laws & Guidance
-, IT Accessibility Laws and Policies
-, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, State and Local Governments: First Steps Toward Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act Title II Web and Mobile Application Accessibility Rule
-, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Fact Sheet: New Rule on the Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps Provided by State and Local Governments
-, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Resources: Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps Provided by State and Local Government Entities: A Small Entity Compliance Guide
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 - incorporated into the federal rule by reference
- National Association of Counties Analysis of U.S. Department of Justice Final Rule on Web Accessibility for State and Local Governments
RAILS Resources for Libraries
Guidance from Ancel Glink Regarding Discrimination Complaint
Following Secretary Giannoulias’ meeting with RAILS public library directors on April 22, RAILS was made aware of a complaint shared by the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education related to alleged discrimination based on disability. Specifically, these complaints are related to a library’s website and whether that web experience is equal to the opportunities afforded to those without disability. Similar complaints were received by at least two public libraries in Illinois, and it was relayed that the complainant may intend to file against other Illinois public libraries in the future.
RAILS requested that Ancel Glink, our legal partner, address the recent digital access discrimination complaints against libraries. In a memorandum, Ancel Glink outlines the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education (“OCR”) complaint process, OCR investigations, and OCR resolutions of complaints including settlements and mediation, and more.
This is intended to be a general support for this process, and libraries are encouraged to work with their own legal counsel should they receive a similar complaint.
Discounts/Member Offers & Opportunities
Member libraries have reached out to RAILS about securing advantageous pricing for resources related to accessibility compliance for library websites. We are actively pursuing potential opportunities and will post new deals here and on the RAILS Deals & Discounts page.
RAILS Events (Upcoming and Recorded)
RAILS Learning Lab: Creating Accessible PDFs with Adobe Acrobat Pro (L2 login required)
Tuesday, April 22, 10 - 11 a.m.
RAILS Learning Labs are an informal, online space for interactive, hands-on learning and collaboration. In this session, learn some key strategies for making PDFs more accessible. Techniques will be demonstrated using Adobe Acrobat Pro, and while hands-on practice is available for those with access to the software, it's not required to participate. Due to the interactive format, RAILS Learning Labs are not recorded.
Ask the Web Accessibility Expert (L2 login required)
Thursday, November 21
Mark McCarthy, Lead Accessibility Engineer and IT Accessibility Liaison at the University of Illinois, gave expert advice on attendees' specific challenges and concerns.
Creating Accessible PDFs (L2 login required)
Wednesday, August 28
Even if a library has been focusing on making its website more accessible, PDF files that patrons download are often overlooked. PDF documents are not inherently accessible and require specific effort to make them accessible. In this session, learn concrete actions you can take to make your library’s PDF content accessible.
The Modern eAccessibility Landscape (L2 login required)
June 12, 2024
Includes information on processes and outcomes of the work of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Learn methods you can implement now to make your library a harder target for eAccessibility complaints. Learn about the supports a library needs to create and maintain an accessible digital footprint.
RAILS Member Update
June 6, 2024
RAILS welcomes all staff at all levels from all types of RAILS libraries (academic, public, school, and specialized) to join the RAILS Member Update on Zoom. This event will include a presentation on digital accessibility for libraries by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ADA IT Coordinator Keith Hays.
Design for Access-Making Online Content Accessible (L2 login required)
September 8, 2022
Librarian and technologist Jessamyn West will discuss the social model of disability and universal access with a focus on website accessibility. She will offer clear resources and tips for helping libraries make their "born digital" content as accessible as possible without breaking the bank.
RAILS Continuing Education Archives
Search for additional recordings; log in for best access.
Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs)
RAILS VPAT Repository
To ensure libraries meet web accessibility standards when purchasing electronic resources, many vendors offer a VPAT – Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, which can aid in assessing how the product meets Section 508. RAILS maintains a repository of VPATs. These are available for all RAILS libraries.
Other Resources
Free Tools
- WAVE - Online form and browser extensions for checking accessibility guidelines compliance of individual webpages
- ANDI Accessibility Testing Tool - from the Social Security Administration
- WebAIM Color Contrast Checker
- NVDA - Free screenreader to test how your website works for people with visual disabilities
- Blog post with NVDA setup instructions
- PAC2024 - PDF accessibility checker (more thorough than Acrobat's built-in tool)
- Library Accessibility Toolkit - Includes links for additional tools
- Your website software may have accessibility plugins available (e.g., Editoria11y for Drupal)
Free Training Resources
- Section Accessibility Training
- Project Enable from Syracuse University
- Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Library Accessibility Alliance
- A11yTalks monthly webinars
- Take the 21 Day Accessibility Challenge
- Additional Training Resources (PDF, directory from Section
Paid Training Resources
- Deque University offers online training for document and web accessibility ($)
- The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) offers training and certification ($)
- IITAA Techniques from Illinois state government provide easy-to-use instructions that are modeled on WCAG guidelines
- Making Events Accessible checklist from W3C
- A11yTalks Speaker Resources include a list of tips for accessible presentations
- How to Make Interactive Charts Accessible
- Overlay Fact Sheet discusses the pros and cons of accessibility overlays