NILRC Professional Development Webinar: Springsharing is Caring!

The NILRC Professional Development Committee is hosting a special webinar entitled “Springsharing is Caring!” on November 30 from 10-11:30 am.  The first 45 minutes of this webinar will be discussion on how NILRC Member libraries use Springshare products (LibCal, LibAnswers, LibGuides, etc.).  Bring to the table how your library utilizes these products, and we are interested in how public libraries use these products as well.  Then, at 10:45 am, Sarah N. Probst, Consortium Sales Manager for Springshare, will join our webinar.  She’ll answer any questions you have regarding products, and will provide a brief overview of updates to the Springshare line.  Please contact Amy Glass ( for the Zoom information.

Please add November 30 to your calendar for this next NILRC Professional Development webinar!