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The RAILS Board is looking for volunteers from our member libraries who are interested in using their experience and expertise to help shape system services and have an impact on all Illinois residents.

  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committee members will help identify barriers in the library field and work to eliminate them. They will increase awareness about systemic racism and bias among member libraries, staff, and boards, and facilitate systemwide discussion about EDI. A keen interest and passion for EDI are a must! View the committee charge.
  • Resource Sharing committee members will establish a shared definition of resource sharing and an understanding of its benefits for all Illinois libraries and residents. They will also investigate best practices and develop core philosophies to facilitate resource sharing. View the committee charge.
  • Universal Service committee members will review the current RAILS plan to serve the unserved and document progress, prioritize goals and objectives and develop appropriate action steps, and be a voice for the unserved by bringing the issue to the attention of local libraries and boards of trustees. View the committee charge.  

We are looking for volunteers from all sizes and types of libraries (academic, public, school, and special), as well as staff from all different organizational levels. We would also like the committees to reflect the diversity of the RAILS membership in terms of race, ethnicity, age, geographic location, background, and other factors. If you are interested in being considered for any of these committees, please complete our volunteer form no later than July 14.