Scott Davis Retires from Fremont Public Library

Image of Scott Davis

After 20 years of service to the Fremont Public Library District, Library Director Scott Davis has retired at the end of the fiscal year on June 30. The Library Board of Trustees have promoted Assistant Director Becky Ingram to serve as Interim Director and hired Deiters & Todd Library Consulting firm to head the search for a new director.

During his tenure as Director, the library experienced a huge influx of new residents and a never-ending parade of technological upgrades. Davis took over in 2003 at a time when the library had limited offerings, reduced operating hours and decreased staffing following multiple failed attempts to increase its property tax rate. Through adept financial management, the library has been able to grow incrementally along with the district and still save enough each year to cover the costs of capital projects without going back to referendum or borrowing funds.

The most recent capital project is the current transformation of the formerly walled-off “shell” space on the second floor into a vibrant public space with a spectacular view and new seating areas. Work is on hiatus for the summer but when it continues in the fall the Adult materials will be united on one floor and the teens and middle schoolers will have their own spaces on the first floor.

A lot has changed over the last twenty years, but the library’s dedication to delivering high-quality core library services with a friendly attitude has remained at its core under Director Davis’ guidance. We wish him the best and thank him for his years of service!