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Many of our training events have been recorded. Search for past webinars and workshops below.

Some recordings are available only to people affiliated with RAILS libraries.

Search Results

  • Dice Rollers: Running a D&D Club at Your Library

    Dungeons & Dragons is more popular now than ever before, with new players coming to the hobby every day! Join Dungeon Master Luke to learn how to start and maintain a D&D club at your library! Webinar will include: 

    -Why run a D&D club at your library? -The benefits of playing RPGs, including facilitating creative problem solving and teamwork 

    -How to play D&D -Discuss the roles of the Dungeon Master (DM) and their players, and cover the core mechanic of D&D: the d20 roll 

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  • 2024 Children's Books: A Plethora of Amazing Choices!

    We are living in the Golden Age of Children's Literature, no doubt about It. At the same tlme, we are also living in an era where more books are being published for kids than we've ever seen before. How can you possibly cut through the mass to find the gems?

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  • Manga and Graphic Novels: Essentials and Best Practices

    Whether building a collection from scratch or brushing up on what’s new and noteworthy, this presentation covers best practices for collection development and maintenance, up-and-coming series to keep an eye on, to boost your circulation statistics with appealing titles for elementary through high school readers.


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  • Best Children's Literature of 2023


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  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the Library: An Introduction to Trauma-informed Library Service

    This session provides an overview of research into adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the lifelong consequences of trauma. Special attention will be paid to the behavioral responses to trauma commonly observed among public library patrons. We will explore ways that libraries can move to become trauma-informed, providing customer service that addresses the needs of the whole person. Please note that while ACEs occur during childhood, the repercussions are felt throughout our lives; this session is not specific to children and youth.


  • Authentic Voices in Children’s and Teen Literature: What’s Socioeconomics Got to Do with It?

    A superb high school librarian, in a discussion of making a place for all stories, explained the groups she was expanding her collection to more accurately and completely represent. When I asked about voices of those living in generational poverty, she paused and very honestly replied, "I never thought about representation and socioeconomics," and proceeded to ask me about titles.


  • Rock & Rhyme with Mr. Jon: Using Music and Puppets in Storytime

    Jon Lewis draws on his more than 10 years experience working in libraries, songwriting, and performing in day care centers and preschools to compile his best practices for including music and puppets in storytimes and circle times. Using a mix of PowerPoint, video clips, discussion, live music, and more, "Mr. Jon" will have attendees singing and dancing, discussing music tips and tricks, and learning all about best puppet practices.

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  • Stop, Look, Listen: Helping Students Spot The Fakes

    In August, 2021, the State of Illinois enacted groundbreaking legislation requiring the teaching of news literacy at every public high school. Hopefully this is the start of a nationwide trend, and it represents an incredible opportunity for school librarians to partner with teachers to help future generations become media-savvy and disinformation-aware.

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  • The Road to Reading Starts at the Library!

    Imagine a world where parents of struggling readers go to the library and librarians recommend resources that help all children learn to read. Perhaps caregivers take a child to a library and learn that—using games, activities, and the right resources, such as decodable books—their child can start to read basic words. Reading issues are common, and no one is spared. The statistics on struggling readers tell a dramatic story: Sixty-four percent of fourth-graders are not proficient in reading.

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  • Zoom Storytime Basics

    Learn the best practices of Zoom storytimes, including basic Zoom management, and gather new ideas for how to make your storytimes come alive over the screen. Whether you're just getting started with Zoom storytime, or you're a pro, there is something here for everyone.

    This webinar was recorded live on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and runs just under one hour.

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  • It’s Our Time To Shine! The Difference We Can Make As Future Ready Librarians

    As Future Ready School Librarians, it has never been more important for us to show what we can do and how we can shine! In this session, Shannon will share lots of ways we can lead and support our districts throughout the school year, and through our journey with remote and continuous learning.


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  • Teen Readers' Advisory: Beyond Best Sellers and Award Winners

    Thousands of books come out each year but so many have small or no marketing budgets that make it difficult for a lot of titles to get noticed. How do you find out which of these titles are right for your library, and how do you get them into the hands of your teen patrons? Learn from four experienced teen librarians who care about giving the right book to the right reader. The panelists will also share some great under-the-radar titles that your teens need to know about.

    This webinar was recorded on June 11, 2020, and runs approximately 70 minutes.

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  • Beyond E-Storytimes: Virtual Services and Programs for Youth

    Staying cooped up at home has led to creative thinking throughout the library world. Youth departments in public libraries are leading the way with live and prerecorded e-storytimes for patrons. E-resources are being shared via social media and email. Now that your library has these services situated, what next? Gather some fresh ideas about virtual services and programming BEYOND e-storytimes and rhyme videos. Attend to your patrons social-emotional needs by responding in a trauma-focused way through Lincolnwood Public Library's intentional programming and messaging.


  • Truly Great Children's Books of 2019

    Feel like you want a firmer grasp on the books being published for kids today? Then join this fun, upbeat look back at 2019. Evanston Public Library Collection Development Manager Betsy Bird uses her location's 101 Great Books for Kids list to highlight the titles you definitely shouldn't miss. Attendees will receive a firm grasp on some of the best books written for children, as well as a broader sense of trends in publishing and what to look for in the future.

    This webinar was recorded live on March 3, 2020, and runs approximately one hour and 15 minutes.

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  • The Best Children's Books of 2018: Librarian Curated, Patron Tested, Kid Approved

    Join Evanston Public Library's Collection Development Manager Betsy Bird as she guides you through her library's annual 101 Great Books for Kids list for 2018. From fairy tales and folktales to comics and picture book biographies, there's something for every kid between the ages of 2-12 on this list. Betsy talks up some of the keener selections, highlighting both known favorites and the hidden gems that might come in handy for your average children's librarian. Finally, Betsy discusses creating this list and how you can make one for your own library system. Come for the books.

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