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Many of our training events have been recorded. Search for past webinars and workshops below.

Some recordings are available only to people affiliated with RAILS libraries.

Search Results

  • Virtual Advisory: Online Book Clubs

    As things change rapidly, libraries are having to quickly adjust our in-person book clubs advisory services online. Becca Boland of Skokie Public Library will talk about what libraries are already doing (and what is working) and discuss ideas for the future.

    This webinar was recorded on April 22, 2020, and runs approximately 70 minutes.

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  • Strategies for Managing Teams Remotely

    Managing remotely – regularly or on a temporary basis - is much more accessible than in the past. Technology has made things possible that we could never have imagined. It can help work to continue and business to go on during disruptions such as weather or pandemics. However, it takes a solid plan to ensure that things move smoothly and to avoid miscommunication and feelings of disconnection. In this session, we will (virtually) discuss: -

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  • Video for Libraries - Why Video Is a Tool You Need for Telling Your Library's Stories

    You know video is a powerful storytelling medium and no one knows stories better than libraries! Get the facts on video marketing, basic tech tools and tips, and get your story shared. Learn how to tell your library's story with video cheaply, easily, AND effectively.

    • Learn the basic terminology and techniques for simple video creation
    • Be aware of multiple free or inexpensive tools for recording/creating, editing, improving and sharing your library's videos
    • Be able to select one of the common video types to use for marketing your library

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  • Introduction to Google Data Studio

    By popular demand, Grant Halter, Data Coordinator & Research Analyst at RAILS, will give a short demo of Google Data Studio. Data Studio is a quick and intuitive tool for creating dashboards to visualize and present data. Free with a general Gmail account, setup is easy and instructional documentation can help you troubleshoot most issues.

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  • Stop Talking and Start Testing: How to Improve Your Website with Usability Testing

    Whether you're planning a new website or want to improve your current one, usability testing is a powerful tool for understanding how your patrons interact with your website. This webinar will walk you through the process of identifying testing needs, planning a test, running one, and summarizing your findings. You will learn how to make usability testing easy enough to incorporate throughout your project and not just at the end (when it's too late!)

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  • Stop Talking and Start Testing: How to Improve Your Website with Usability Testing

    Whether you're planning a new website or want to improve your current one, usability testing is a powerful tool for understanding how your patrons interact with your website. This webinar will walk you through the process of identifying testing needs, planning a test, running one, and summarizing your findings. You will learn how to make usability testing easy enough to incorporate throughout your project and not just at the end (when it's too late!)

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  • Building Online Learning Environments That Work

    Based on an implemented training project to train call center employees, join Brian Pichman as he uncovers the tips and tricks to building an online learning environment. We will be using Canvas as the platform for the discussion - learn how to create and build course content in an effective delivery method to retain information. This is great if you need to train employees or you wish to train your community on general skills.

    Presenter: Brian Pichman​

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  • Usability Testing for Everyone and Everything

    If you are looking for fast, easy ways to incorporate usability testing and patron feedback into your work, then this webinar is for you. You will learn how to adapt techniques for usability testing, prototyping, and agile work styles to help you gain clarity and solve problems. Everyone from solo librarians to members of large teams will feel empowered to get out of their offices onto the floor of your library to test solutions with real patrons.

    - Importance of user research and usability testing
    - Creating a testing plan

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  • Innovative Technologies and Tech Trends

    Join Brian Pichman of the Evolve Project as he highlights this year's biggest technology trends and what it means for 2018. What changes are on the horizon and what are the hot tech buzzwords? What technologies should we hold out for? From drones to virtual/augmented reality, to creating, to innovation, to just amazing technology - this webinar will uncover it all. Find out what is on the cusp and what will be the biggest trends of 2018.

    Latest Tech Trends
    A Look Back At Past Trends and Predictions
    Technology to Look Out For
    How to Stay Informed


  • Think Like a Startup: Using Startup Technology Practices to Make Your Library Thrive

    Startups have to use innovative tricks and lean practices to turn an idea into a profitable business. Libraries can implement these tricks to save money or improve processes and procedures. Join Brian Pichman as he shares some secrets and resources to make technology more affordable and also what processes and procedures that can be implemented to save costs and drive more efficiency for your library.

    * Uncover apps that allow for increased efficiency (communication, project management, etc.)
    * Websites that offer resources to start-ups and funding opportunities


  • Drupal in an Hour

    Want to build a website but not sure where to start? Join Brian Pichman as he shows you the quick tips for getting a website building on Drupal up and running. Drupal is a Content Management System; that if properly deployed can save time and energy in building interactive and powerful websites. Learn everything from setting up a server, what modules to set up and basic introduction on how Drupal works. You will also be able to play on your own Drupal Server (https://simplytest.me/).



  • Assessing and Improving Your Library’s Website (Part 2 of 2)

    Is it time to refresh your website? Probably! In this two part webinar you will learn how to assess and improve your site using best practices and web conventions; no tech skills or big budgets required. After this webinar you'll have a better understanding of how to create a user-centered website, and plenty of ideas that you can implement right away.

    Presented by library website expert Aaron Schmidt, these sessions will draw from the guide he created for RAILS titled "Library websites are for use" and will cover:

    Part Two October 24, 2017
    * Visual design navigation

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  • Assessing and Improving Your Library’s Website (Part 1 of 2)

    Is it time to refresh your website? Probably! In this two part webinar you will learn how to assess and improve your site using best practices and web conventions; no tech skills or big budgets required. After this webinar you'll have a better understanding of how to create a user-centered website, and plenty of ideas that you can implement right away.

    Presented by library website expert Aaron Schmidt, these sessions will draw from the guide he created for RAILS titled "Library websites are for use" and will cover:

    Part One October 17, 2017:
    * Critical tasks

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  • Navigating the Changing Landscape of Library Privacy

    Learn about contemporary patron privacy issues facing libraries today, and the practical actions libraries can take to improve patron privacy protections. The webinar will provide an overview of the ethical and legal foundations for patron privacy, and highlight resources that can be used to help libraries preserve patron privacy when adopting new technologies. Topics to be addressed include vendor agreements, securing the library's ILS, amd using HTTPS, VPNs, and the Tor browser to safeguard web browsing and online communications.



  • Leveraging Cloud Based Technologies for Increased Team Productivity

    Do you commonly find yourself working different shifts, in different locations or just wanting to check into work while you are away? If you're at this level of juggling, then this is the webinar for you. We will discuss how to utilize cloud based technologies such as One-Note, Google Docs, Google Apps, and other Media and Sharing Collaboration sites in a way to increase your and your team's overall productivity.
