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Many of our training events have been recorded. Search for past webinars and workshops below.

Some recordings are available only to people affiliated with RAILS libraries.

Search Results

  • The End of MARC: Moving to BIBFRAME

    This webinar focuses on how we can get ready and plan for moving away from MARC. We'll trace the history of BIBFRAME development, discuss where we are with BIBFRAME, and talk through what libraries need to do to prepare for BIBFRAME.

    We’ll briefly explore how BIBFRAME will change libraries breaking us free of a data structure that has driven our cataloging decisions, ILS development, and even whether our records are “Google-able”.

    Viewing access to this recording is restricted.
  • Assessment of Technical Services

    Have you thought about conducting assessment in Technical Services but weren't sure where to start? Maybe you've wondered if you could save time or money or improve efficiency or quality in your acquisitions, cataloging, and/or processing workflows but didn't have the data to support making changes? In this webinar we'll examine why and how to conduct assessment in technical services.

    Viewing access to this recording is restricted.
  • Understanding WEMI (Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item)

    Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item (WEMI) starts out with the broad concept of work and moves towards the narrow concept of item. Libraries have been trying to link related items for centuries. Printed card catalogs were a primitive way of organizing materials by author, title, and subject. The online card catalog is creating a more sophisticated and encompassing linking of materials that are related.

    - WEMI
    - Linked data
    - Relationships
    - Related resources

    Desired Outcomes:


  • FRBR (Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records)

    Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records (FRBR) is the underlying conceptual model of Resource Description and Access (RDA). This webinar will provide a brief description of how FRBR relates to cataloging and a library's database.

    - FRBR
    - Group 1-3 Entities
    - RDA
    - FISON (Find, Identify, Select, Obtain, Navigate)

    Desired Outcomes:
    Foundational understanding of how FRBR and RDA serve as the foundation for cataloging in the current environment.

