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Many of our training events have been recorded. Search for past webinars and workshops below.

Some recordings are available only to people affiliated with RAILS libraries.

Search Results

  • Understanding the Competitive Bidding Process

    Illinois library statutes require a public library to engage in the competitive bidding process under many circumstances. Attorney Derke J. Price, partner at Ancel Glink Law Firm, shares valuable information on the competitive bidding process. Topics covered in this presentation include:

    • Powers and limitations under the library code
    • General requirements for competitive bidding and exceptions
    • Intergovernmental agreements and additional opportunities
    • Issues for review and inclusion in contract documents


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  • Managing Finances in Times of Inflation

    After years of stable prices, libraries are running into the prospect of sharp increases in costs, compounded by labor shortages. Piled on top of COVID-stress, the normally sedate budgeting process may suddenly feel chaotic and uncertain. In this webinar, we'll talk about the impacts inflation is likely to have on your library - and it turns out some of these are good! We'll provide strategies for approaching and taking control of planning this year. You'll also find out a little about what your colleagues are expecting and doing too.

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  • Technology Assessment and Purchasing Guide

    With multiple funding opportunities now available to purchase library technology, it is a great time to assess and upgrade your technology based on your community's needs. But how does one even start such a daunting task?" Join library technologist Carson Block as he introduces tools for pinpointing technology problems and needs, provides strategies for prioritizing and purchasing new equipment, and explains how to create an ongoing maintenance plan for your library's technology.

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  • Strategic Planning 101: Key Considerations for a Successful Plan

    An essential process for any library, strategic planning engages stakeholders to create a shared vision for the future and charts a course for how to get there. This training will provide a top-level overview of community needs assessment methodologies, user engagement tactics, and key considerations as you prepare to embark on a strategic planning effort.


    - Benefits of community need assessment methodologies

    - How to involve the community and users in the process

    - How to decide on the length of time a strategic plan will cover

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  • The Latest Guidance on Vaccination and Masking

    Since the CDC issued its updated masking guidance in mid-May, several other governmental entities have followed up with added guidance on masking and vaccination, including OSHA, State of Illinois, City of Chicago, and most recently, the EEOC.

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  • Disaster Planning: Getting Started

    Disaster can strike at any time in any locale, disrupting operations, threatening human safety, and damaging or destroying collections. Having a plan in place before disaster strikes makes good business sense; institutions that view emergency management as critical and provide staff with the authority and tools to plan will ultimately respond more successfully than those that have not prepared. Annie Peterson of LYRASIS provides an overview of different steps that libraries can take to be better prepared for a disaster of any size.

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  • Reopening the Library: Ventilation and Air Circulation Considerations

    As libraries consider plans to reopen their facilities or expand hours, what steps can be taken to make our indoor environment safer? This webinar will provide guidance on issues related to air quality in library facilities. Topics covered during this presentation include:

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  • Passing the Baton: Succession Planning

    Baby boomers are retiring, genXers are running some libraries and there are not enough of them who want to lead. Not surprisingly the profession is asking "who will lead the libraries?" Be proactive and ahead of the curve! Learn how to accelerate planning to fill key positions.

    * What is succession planning and making the case for it
    * It's not only about leadership succession -- building bench strength
    * Ingredients for success
    * The process to create a succession plan
    * Planning development opportunities

    Participants will learn:

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  • Director Essentials - Facilities

    Kate Hall and Kathy Parker, authors of The Public Library Directors Toolkit, discuss the ins and outs of overseeing a building. From large scale projects to small renovations and everything in between, you will learn what you need to know in order to successfully manage a building. This program is aimed at public library directors with less than 3 years of experience and assistant directors.

    This presentation was recorded on November 13, 2020. It is approximately 70 minutes long.

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  • Project Management

    Learn how to manage smoother, well-defined projects with a toolbox of skills and resources to help you organize and bring projects to life. In this webinar, Brian Pichman will discuss different project management techniques and tools to help you not only have a successful project but more importantly, a well-planned and detailed project launch.

    This webinar was recorded on September 29, 2020, and runs approximately one hour. The slide deck can be accessed here via SlideShare.

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  • Reopening Under COVID-19 – A Space Planning Approach

    NYU Professor David Vinjamuri and Architect Joe Huberty of Engberg Anderson cover different phases of reopening and methodically discuss key considerations. They explain how good space planning techniques can help you reinvent your library to allow physical distance between patrons and streamline checkout and other interactions with staff. Safety considerations, including a discussion of HVAC system performance, is also covered.

    This webinar was recorded on July 8, 2020, and runs approximately one hour and 20 minutes.

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  • Failure IS an Option

    FAILURE is not a four letter word so why do we treat it like one? Learn how failure is not only an option, but is something we should all strive to do more often. Hear from veteran directors about how they have failed (sometimes spectacularly!) and how they came back from the brink. Find out how you can embrace failure and recognize it for what it is: A First Attempt In Learning. You will leave this program ready to face your darkest failures and come out on top.

    This webinar was recorded on May 13th and is approximately 60 mins long.

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  • PPE Use for Library Staff

    Allison Folkerts, Director of Quality and Patient Safety for Amita Health, presents this 30-minute webinar focused on proper use of PPE (personal protective equipment) for library staff. A short Q&A follows the webinar presentation.

    This webinar was originally recorded on May 8, 2020. It is approximately thirty-five minutes.


  • All of Us Dementia Awareness for Public Libraries

    This interactive presentation will introduce library staff to National Library of Medicine resources, enhance understanding of the public library's role in supporting families living with dementia, and present an opportunity to contribute to our understanding of disease by participating in the All of Us Research Program, a national health research project funded by a grant from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.


  • Meditation Benefits and Practice

    Looking for some relief from the stress of the pandemic? Join Hannah Ramlo, Founder and Executive Director of Soulside Healing Arts, as she leads you through the numerous benefits of meditation.

    This webinar was recorded on April 23, 2020, and lasts approximately 30 minutes.

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