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Many of our training events have been recorded. Search for past webinars and workshops below.

Some recordings are available only to people affiliated with RAILS libraries.

Search Results

  • Working in the "Gray Area": Boundaries for Library Staff

    A presentation on common boundary-related challenges for library staff. Participants will gain an understanding of how to apply a model to use to resolve situations that don't have a clear right or wrong outcome. 


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  • Why Emotional Intelligence Matters at Work

    This program will discuss what is Emotional Intelligence. It will help the participant to understand how understanding the emotions of themselves and others can lead to more collaborative and productive work relationships. People managers will gain tools to help them with their own jobs and also to help their direct reports. Come be part of the discussion that employers around the globe are having with people - understanding emotions and building actions for maximum job satisfaction.

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  • Preparing for and Handling Book Challenges

    This webinar discusses some of the reasons that patrons challenge books and other materials as well as how to prepare for and handle resource challenges. Attendees will leave with concrete steps they can take before and during book challenges.

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  • Dealing with Difficult People

    Learn pragmatic ways to identify and remedy different types of difficult people, such as using triage to accurately name drama patterns and deploy proven techniques to lower our reactivity to the most challenging people.

    Topics include:

    * Inevitability and multi-causality of difficult others
    * Discover a triage system to identify the types of difficult others
    * Explore remedies that protect the self and preserve the relationship when dealing with bullies, emotional vampires, downers, and know-it-alls.

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  • Virtual Customer Service Strategies for Libraries

    Many of your library customers expect they can pay bills, order products and services, receive weather alerts, earn discounts, and talk to an expert online via text, e-mail, or social media. It is likely that even before the COVID-19 crisis you were taking advantage of technology to improve communications with your library users. The transition to social distancing with your library has been relatively easy for experienced users of computers and mobile devices. But for some, the loss of the personal connection with your staff is disconcerting.

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  • All of Us Dementia Awareness for Public Libraries

    This interactive presentation will introduce library staff to National Library of Medicine resources, enhance understanding of the public library's role in supporting families living with dementia, and present an opportunity to contribute to our understanding of disease by participating in the All of Us Research Program, a national health research project funded by a grant from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.


  • Meditation Benefits and Practice

    Looking for some relief from the stress of the pandemic? Join Hannah Ramlo, Founder and Executive Director of Soulside Healing Arts, as she leads you through the numerous benefits of meditation.

    This webinar was recorded on April 23, 2020, and lasts approximately 30 minutes.

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  • Mindful Breath and Movement

    Looking for some relief from the stress of the pandemic? Join Hannah Ramlo, Founder and Executive Director of Soulside Healing Arts, as she leads you through some foundational elements of mindful breath and movement.

    Topics include:

    -Introduction the benefits and science behind yoga

    -Practice both calming and invigorating breathing techniques.

    -Link breath to movement in postures that can alleviate common tensions

    This webinar was recorded on April 20, 2020 and is approximately 30 minutes.

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  • COVID-19 and Collections Care

    This webinar includes a brief overview of basic handling and surface cleaning for collections materials while introducing participants to recommendations for mitigating risks and securing collections during the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation includes a half-hour question and answer session with a Northeast Document Conservations Center Preservation Specialist and a Conservator to address specific concerns from RAILS members.

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  • Opiate Users in Your Library: From Behavior Management to Overdoses

    As the opiod epidemic has swept across the U.S., libraries have been forced to deal with a multitude of unprecedented issues. Some libraries have trained their employees to administer Narcan, an opiod antagonist sprayed into the nose of a suspected overdose patient. Other libraries struggle with what to do with drug residue, needles, and related heroin-use paraphernalia left in restrooms, book drops, and even the library stacks.

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  • JJ's List Disability Awareness Training

    The jjslist.com Disability Awareness Players are a troupe of volunteers who train audiences about disability awareness. The interactive presentation includes skills-building activities, role-play, and an anything goes Q&A. Topics covered include: Person-first language; Ten Tips Poster; Sighted-guiding; What to do when you don't understand someone; How to interact with someone in a wheelchair; How to interact with someone with a processing disorder; 508 compatibility.

    - Introduction
    - Person-first language
    - Role Play
    - Q&A

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  • Dealing with Angry Customer Behaviors

    Oh yes…they're out there and they're coming to your library. Angry, nasty and even downright unreasonable customers on a mission to tell and show you how they feel. Their behaviors really are difficult! The good news is that you can choose to not let them drag you down or ruin your day. And by using a few proven techniques and questions some of these angry customers could actually leave feeling better!


  • Serving Patrons with Dementia

    The Alzheimer's Association projects that by 2025, there will be an estimated 7.1 million people age 65 and older with Alzheimer's disease - a 40% increase from the 5.1 million age 65 and older affected in 2015.


  • The Challenging Patron Workshop: Safety, Security, and Service at the Moment of Truth

    Dr. Steve Albrecht, a leading national expert on library safety and security and author of the new ALA book, Library Security, has trained thousands of library employees on the do's and don'ts of handling difficult patrons, transients, crooks, Internet hogs, and others who want to disrupt the library environment. This webinar offers practical, realistic tools which will make your facility a better, safer place to work.

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  • Keeping Patrons Safe: Our Responsibilities During High Risk Situations

    Since libraries are public places and we have an 'invitee' relationship with our patrons, our duty of care is higher. From the moment we open our doors in the morning until we close them at night, we need to do our best to protect staff and patrons of all ages from seen or unseen harms or known or unknown liabilities. This session focuses on building your awareness and responses to emergency and non-emergency events ranging from "slip and falls" to active shooters, from weather to a broken pipe, and from fires to power outages. Your presenter, noted library security expert, Dr.

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